A Bird’s Eye View of Your Move Abroad

When you fly, which do you prefer?
- Aisle seat?
- Middle seat?
- Window seat?
Window for me all day, every day. Even when considering bathroom breaks, which I try to reduce to either one break mid-flight, or just before the plane lands.
I don’t remember where our family was headed in the above photo, but what I do remember, is getting lost in thought, and the majestic views below me.
The various forms and shapes of the clouds.
The changing hue of blues between the ocean and the sky.
And the rising and falling depressions and formations in the earth.
Don’t you love that day-dreamy feeling when you’re going somewhere?
Especially in the air?
I do. And from my window seat, I can imagine all kinds of possibilities for my life.
I feel like I see more clearly where I’ve been. Where I’m at. And where I want to go.
Bird’s eye view. A panoramic vision.
So, one of our primary goals is to help you move abroad – and stay there permanently.
It feels amazing to be able to help people.
So many move to Africa (or anywhere), but then they have to return to the States or other home country, embarrassed, discouraged, and with their tails between their legs.
All because they didn’t have the tools to make their new life work for good.
Like us, a lot of you never plan to live in the United States ever again, and finding the right tools helped us thrive abroad, especially mentally and financially.
We’re almost 3 years into living in East Africa (currently Zanzibar) and it’s only going to get better!
One tool that can help is an accountability partner, like a friend or coach, to fly with you – so to speak.
How a Coach Reveals the Big Picture
At the first Epic Africa Move Virtual Workshop, we had guest speakers from our pool of contacts to help expats in their journey.
One is a certified Life Coach who offers her services to help you advance through your list of goals that will launch you overseas.

One way a Life Coach holds you accountable is by checking in on your progress, session by session.
It is a 1:1 experience that you both customize together.
Feeling overwhelmed and stuck? Moving overseas is a huge undertaking, and sometimes it threatens to swallow you up.
We were there once but were fortunate to be moving as a unit, as a family. We know everyone else’s journey abroad looks different.
Sharing your life abroad goals with a friend, or a certified coach is one way to help you get unstuck.
If this is something you’re interested in, our contact has made herself available inside the workshop for focused coaching toward moving abroad.
In addition to that, participants in the workshop get our ebook, where we lay out the 3 tools that helped our family get started on our move abroad.
The overwhelm decreased with each tool we used.
The Tools:
- The Readiness Wheel
- Design Your World Challenge
- The Deal Breaker List
The tools are meant to help you figure out when it’s time to go, where to go, what could stop you, and what absolutely will not stop you in your journey.
It’s a little like coaching, where you are asked probing questions… to find the answers inside you… that introduce you to the real super-powered you – deep inside.
To do something or go somewhere you’ve never been before, you have to become someone you’ve never been before.
We did. We became. Became someone new, both as individuals and as a family.
And so can you.
We wrote the ebook after we moved abroad by compiling our experiences into a reading experience, and we’re happy to share it with you!
We also show you how to apply each of the three tools in this new video playlist.
At the time of writing this, seats are open for Cohort 2 of the Epic Africa Move Virtual Workshop.
It will be live only on July 20 and 21.
If you miss it (and we hope you don’t), you can stay up to date on the launch of Cohort 3 by subscribing to this free newsletter.
We want to get you closer to your next window seat soaring to Africa or some faraway place – where a new life awaits.
Thank you for reading.
– Josiah & the Bradley Family.